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Shawntelle's Story

Shawntelle L. Fisher is redefining what it means to connect career and faith through true ministry. Her voice resounds in ways that transcend culture, religion, gender, social economic status, and social injustice and connects them to her calling and work in ministry.


Her journey of transformation was not a likely one nor one that would be welcomed by most. The process of transforming from a young misguided teenage mother and convicted felon into the powerhouse speaker, teacher, businesswoman, and leader that she is took bravery, commitment, discipline and faith. Her faith pushed her through criticism, skepticism and classism to break through barriers meant to deter to a place where she is a trailblazer who leads the way in empowering women to refuse to be held back or held down. On the contrary, she brings a word of healing and hoping through a Word from God that reminds women that they are not a sum-total of what they have done. She then consistently reminds women that God has a perfect purpose for them and only that purpose will prevail in their lives.


After seven trips to prison, Shawntelle yielded to the voice of God and her calling to help youth and women find their voice and their place in God’s creation. This calling led her to start her first non-profit – The SoulFisher Ministries. This organization provides tutoring and enrichment for students who have a currently or formerly incarcerated parent and reentry programs and services for currently and formerly incarcerated women.


In 2020, during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shawntelle launched Objection Overruled, a ministry ordained to empower every woman to object and overrule every negative influence and voice that would try to stop the purpose and plan in her life. Through this ministry, Shawntelle teaches women how to use the power of life and death that is in their own tongue.


No matter when or where you hear Shawntelle speak, you will instantly see why she is changing the hearts and minds of people, worldwide! Shawntelle has a unique way of reaching women who need to make peace with who they are and where they are so that they can become who God created them to be. Through her powerfully dynamic speaking, she makes life’s challenges seem manageable and conquerable.

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