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  • shawntellefishermi

Who's in the Driver's Seat?

Matthew 16:24-26 (MSG): Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.

Have you ever been driving and someone in the car with you keeps trying to tell you which way to go, to slow down or speed up, to get over in the next lane or something else? I have! If you’re anything like me, I’ll usually ask, “Will you be quiet and let me drive?”

Remember those times when you were a kid going on vacation in the car? Or, maybe, you’re a parent now and remember a trip you were taking your kids on? The number one question was always, “Are we there yet?”

So often, we do God the same way. God is leading us in one direction, we insist on going in a different direction. God is asking us to forgive someone, yet we refuse to do it. God has certain people He wants to place in our life, we insist on choosing our own friends and significant others. God desires for us to be healed and whole, we continue to hold on to hurt, bitterness and disappointments. We insist on doing things our way and then we ask God, “Are we there yet?”

Who’s in the driver’s seat in your life?

The battle always begins and ends in our mind. In Deuteronomy 30:19, we are commanded to, “Choose life!” God sets before you THIS day, life and death. Which will you choose? Choosing life means that you will make a conscious decision to put and keep God in the driver’s seat of your life. If you’re anything like me and you like to be in control, this will take extra effort. Likewise, if you’re used to being passive and letting others be in control, this will be difficult for you too. You will either have to let go of the reins and let God give you directions (and then follow them) or you will have to step up to the plate and get in the game instead of sitting idly by on the sidelines.

When God is in the driver’s seat, He will take you places you’ve never even dreamed of going. He’ll take you to healing, He’ll take you to deliverance, He’ll take you to the person of your dreams, He’ll take you to prosperity, He’ll take you to wholeness, He’ll take you to forgiveness, He’ll take you to salvation, and most importantly, He’ll take you to your destiny!!

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